Pet Insurance FAQs

Pet Insurance FAQs

Highly Rated | Experienced and Compassionate Staff | Same-Day Emergency Appointments

Highly Rated

Experienced and Compassionate Staff

Same-Day Emergency Appointments

A dog is laying next to a blue piggy bank with money in it.

Questions to ask pet insurance companies when considering purchasing insurance for your pet:

  • Is there an age requirement/restriction to insuring a pet? Maximum age?

  • What is the waiting period from time of application to coverage? Do benefits kick in right away once accepted?

  • What are your exclusions for pre-existing conditions? How do you determine what is pre existing?

  • Do you exclude certain breed OR potential breed related genetic conditions?

  • Are conditions diagnosed within one year excluded as pre-existing conditions the next?

  • What are your coverage "caps"? Do they apply per incident, per body system, pre illness, or over the pet's lifetime?

  • How do you cover chronic or recurring illness? Does coverage continue for repeated treatment of the same condition?

  • What kinds of care are excluded or limited?

  • What triggers an increase in premium? Is it the pet's age, filling a claim, or are they simply built-in annual increase? Over the past 3 years, how have your premiums increased in percentages?

  • Does the policy pay benefits on a predetermined schedule of charges or on the actual vet bill?

  • Does my co-pay change if I visit an ER or see a specialist?

  • Are deductibles different for primary care vs ER vs specialist?

  • Is the deductible annual or is it applied to each incident?

  • Could I change my policy before the renewal date? Is there a fee?

  • Can a policy be changed from year to year?

  • How long does it take to receive reimbursement for claim?

  • Do you offer multi-pet discount (if applicable)?

  • Do you require an "in-network" provider to receive benefits?

  • Are there any reason one would not be able to renew a policy?

  • Are there any billing fees or discounts?

Each company should have an online Benefit schedule, please check these out. They will disclose if wellness care is part of the package or an "add on".

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